Экономическая психология в современном мире
Economic psychology in the modern world




«  Февраль 2025  »


05.02.2025, 10:43

The conference was held under support of The Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», The Federal State Scientific Institution «Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences», The Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «North Caucasus State Humanities and Technological Academy», The International Confederation for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology (ICABEEP).

Organizing committee
The Committee Chair:
Alexandr N. Lebedev
Doctor of Psychology, professor, the head of Applied psychology department, The Financial University, Russia.
Deputy Сhairs:
Alla B. Kupreychenko
Doctor of Psychology, professor, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia.
Elena V. Tougareva
PhD, Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Science, IAREP Country representative for Russia 
Scientific secretary:
Julia E. Muzhichkova
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.
Organizing committee members:
Andrej Y. Krylov
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.
Nataliya V. Annenkova
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.
Elena V. Kamneva
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.
Janna V. Korobanova
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.
Mariya A. Gagarina
PhD, The Financial University, Russia.

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